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‘Twenty-three acre holding in Outlart sells for €220,000’. Enniscorthy Guardian. 23/11/22.

The holding at Garryvadden, Oulart, sold for €220,000

A 23 acre holding at Garryvadden, Oulart, County Wexford sold at auction for €220,000.

The property, which was brought to the market by Quinn Property, was laid out in one division with auctioneer, David Quinn, describing it as “currently in grass and of good quality”.

“The majority of the land is suitable for tillage and the property has a natural water supply,” said Mr Quinn.

The property was guided between €8,000 to €10,000 per acre, with more than five parties registering to bid online.

On the day of the auction there was an opening bid of €150,000 and after lively bidding, the €200,000 mark was quickly passed.

Mr Quinn commented that after continued bidding, the property reached €220,000 and was declared ‘on the market’.

Auctioneer David Quinn

With no further offers, the hammer fell at €220,000 and after the auction, Mr Quinn said there “was strong competition between three bidders on the day”.

It’s believed the successful bid was from a farmer based in north County Wexford.

Quinn Property’s next auction will take place on December 7, when two properties will be offered to the market.

The first property is a c.64.3 acre holding located near Redcross, Co Wicklow, while the second property is a c.42 acre holding at Loggan, Gorey.

This article was written by Brendan Keane of the Enniscorthy Guardian. The original can be accessed here.

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